Last week (Tuesday, August 03,2006) the company celebrated the 15 years old birthday at Lakeside, Club Bogor Raya. It was an employee gathering. All outbound games was great, full of fun... lots of food, drinks, cake, fruits... hm... It was different than last celebration. One thing that I might be not to forget was when I have to sing in front of people huhuhu… (korban tepatnya... fur:mas fai... bagus banget ya... dah ngerjain.. %#$*#$*) such a funny moment for me but it was great…. and unforgettable moment laahhhh....

That night, after all day spent at the company celebration, I have to wait for my family who suddenly decide to visit me hehe... mom just got back from Jakarta last 15 July 2006 and she came back. hm.... she must be missed me so much I guess .... They arrived around 11 o'clock at night and brough 2 boxes of durian. jadi malam yang masih makan durian sepuasnya...
Saturday, August 5, 2006 we went out for lunch at pondok indah mall, it has been long time for me not visiting this place, after shopping and around the mall we went to Cipadu. hm... if u ever visit this place then you will say... what an apposite place between PIM and Cipadu hehehe... here where my mom always shop for dress materials, bad cover and curtain. She said this place offer more alternative material better than tanah abang or mayestik although for me those places are the same laaah…
The title of this part should be “Shop till u drop”, because after Cipadu we went to Ambasador mall where my brother want to find some computers stuff but at last he bough fashion stuff hehehe… never forget new sunglasses, quite weird for me why he likes sunglasses a lot hhuuuhhmmm….
Shop till you drop… money and body kali yaaa… secara seharian dah muter-muter pim, cipadu, amol plus macet, badan gempor juga… untung di tutup ma makan malam di seafood segitiga benhil (segitiga apa apaaaan gitu namanya lupa..) gak pake ngantri langsung dapat tempat dan pesanan cepat hehehe… lapeeer… ikan bakar ennyak..enyyak..ennyaaak.. pulangnya pada tepar … senyaaaap… yang kedengaran Cuma hello there.. the angel of my nightmare- nya blink.
Alhamdulillah ya Rabb… masih ada kesempatan berkumpul bersama teman, orang tua dan sodara...