Wish all the BEst this year...
SAturdaY DeCemBer, 31 2005...
My LAst dAy in 2005 spenT jusT At HomE. tAkiNg caRe oF the House Yard thaT almoSt cLosed by The wild graSs...hmmm.... PooR me, WaitinG a bapak-bapak Who SoMeTiMe passEd the HoUse and alWayS Offer to Cut the Grass, but hE didN't Show up aarrggghhhh....
so I did iT by My Self... #*&$*(@#^()@*&a;#_@(&*#)&$^@#*&$#
and titah already leaved me early in the morning to Bandung.
bUt tHen, I'm not aLonE cOs aYu cAMe... it's RainiNg along that noon day. we just stAyed at hoMe And WatChiNg tv (fRom 1 tv proGram tO other hehehe.... whAt a Day... :D), planNeD to wATch "kung fu Hustle" but we oNLy fiNishEd the "Extravaganza sPecial aKhir taHun" theN gO To sleep hehehe... zzZzzzZZzzzzZzzzzzZz....
00:05 my hanDpHonE rAng aNd sOmeBodY shOOOUUUt... HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... (what a dream I though hehehe... ) my bEst fRiend lina CalLed from baNda aCeH hehehe... and some short message came... (what a nice new year mid night hehehe... )also some friends still say happy new year and new year wishes huhuhuhu... (aku jadi terharu hehehe...:D))
"the firat greeting of 2006, darra! any new resolutions? how was Kung Fu Hustle?" --oliver 01/01/06 00:36--
"Maafin aku kalau aku baru sms skrg, Selamat tahun baru 2006, semoga Allah selalu melindungimu, amin..." --aa 31/12/05 21:16 silverspring time--
"met taun baru. wish u all the best in this new year" -- pete--
"happy new year 2006, moga2 tahun 2006 jauh lbh baik dari taon 2005, moga qe segera mendapatkan pendamping.. amiiinn" --thirza--

hhooohaaahhmmmm..... mom called from banda... biasa.. cerita ceriti ma mama gak ada habisnya... I have to end the called cos I have to get ready for that day planning.
pergi ke bandung hehehe.... >:D
sampai di bandung, kami sarapan di bubur ayam merdeka. and then go to Jl. Riau where lots of factory outlet as usuall this the rituals anytime we got in bandung :D woman!!!
keluar masuk fo di sini... tas ransel yang tadinya agak tepos, jadi gembolan gede gitu... kayak orang mudik.
janjian ketemu titah di riau. trus lanjut ke fo yang di jalan dago :D
didago mampir bentar di foodcourt sebelah edo dago. laper juga ngiderin fo hehe...
kelar ngiderin dago, jam 6 we go back to jakarta.. ffhheewwfff... tired.. :D
but the bag is ALrEaDy full so alittle bit exciting to saw EverYthing we got from bandung :D
hmmmm..... 2 days in a different year... :D
kayak gak ada bedanya.. masih sama seperti hari-hari yg lain,

kalo gak spending my weekend at home, to mall or bandung aarrgghhh... STD....
but Alhamdulillah... :)
and there's still hope... wishes all the best this year... :)
HaPpy nEw yEar LAgi.. \(^_^)/

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