Mohon maaf lahir batin...
Tuesday, January 09 2006
every body at home wake up early this morning, cos we have to prepare for sholat ied. we went to the nearest place for the sholat ied. This year I could celebrate it again with parents where last year they were in mecca for hajj...
even the celebration is not as good as banda aceh but mom cooked lots of foods and cakes :)
we have lontong eat with sayur lodeh, rendang, taucho udang with chilly, she also cooked semur, timphan, ovalet cake, brownies... yummyyyy.... all day for eat and eat... hehehe....
in the afternoon my causin came visit us. all their cute kids were come too... oddie dan amira, my neighbour in aceh who has stayed long in jakarta are visited us too... (kak tata, bang iwan dan anya), so the house is getting crowded... :D the kids is playing around the house, running up and down the stairs... uuuggghhhh.... bikin sport jantung aja... hehehe....
some friends still send me sms just to say hi and ucapan selamat.. :)
"Minal Aidin Walfaizin, Mohon maaf lahir & batin... Selamat hari raya idul adha" --dewi 00:24 Wib--
"Selamat idul adha, semoga Allah menerima ikhlas dan qurban kita amiin... ra pa kabar?" --iyank 05:07 wib"
"Mohon maaf lahir batin, selamat hari raya idul adha, salam buat keluarga di aceh" --evy 05:31 Wib--
"darra met shalat ied dan met makan-makan yang enak dengan keluarga :)" --mas muiz 07:17 houston time--
"cicem meunari di ateuh bak kaye, boh mamplam kire talhap ngon sira, jaro 10 di ateuh ulee meuah loen lakee bak droe neuh, selamat huro raya idul adha, mohon maaf lahee dan baten" --bang zakir 08:09 wib--
"Selamat idul adha ya... maaf lahir batin. take care always, wass..." --aa 09:22 silverspring time--
"selamat hari raya idul adha, semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT" -- yuyud lina 09:51 wib--
"Selamat idul adha, minal aidin wal faizin, mohon maaf lahir batin" -- bang bidin 12:40 wib--
"Taqobballahu minna wamingkum, mohon maaf lahir batin. selamat hari raya" --mbak alya 13:43 wib--
"ulon ucapkan seulamat uroe raya idul adha, saleum keu bandum keluarga, kullu sanah wa antum thayyibun.." --abang 19:17 malaysia time--
"selamat hari raya, mohon maaf lahir batin" --pipin 21:58 malaysia time--

papa baru balik sholat ied, berangkat bareng tapi pulang ndiri-ndiri... :D
Timphan... kue wajib orang aceh kalo ada acara...
ovalet... kesukan heykal hehehe...sorry kal.. :D
taucho udang ma cabe... gak enak deh kalo gak ada yg pedes....
mama dan kakak @dining room...
Bang oddy lagi ngambek..kalah main ps... :D
tante darra dan amira the explorer hehehe.... (anya datang kameranya low bat)
12-13 February 2006 one day after idul adha celebration, my brother came from banda aceh with his friends. so I took 2 days off to accompany them hanging around jakarta hehehe... kayak gw ngerti jakarta aja.. :D as usuall we spend a day at dufan and sea world... it has been long time not visited the sea world. there's a new cool shark pool... and we could saw how they feed the sharks. it was really cool...

Tante Darra...
wah seru juga ya cerita ceritanya...
Happy Iedul Adha ya... Wishing you all the best... :)
mohon maaf lahir batin, semoga amai ibadah tanyo diriidhai Nya,
uroe get bulen get timhan mak peuget beutateumeng resa
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